Wish2Go: Your Travel Wishlist App
Plan your dream trips, discover nearby destinations, and get notified when you're close - all in one convenient app.
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Discover Nearby Destinations
Explore Nearby
Wish2Go's location-based features help you discover hidden gems and must-visit spots right in your own backyard.
Get Inspired
Browse through a curated selection of nearby destinations and let Wish2Go inspire your next local adventure.
Save for Later
Add your favorite nearby spots to your travel wishlist and come back to them whenever you're ready.
Get Notified When You're Close


Proximity Alerts
Wish2Go will notify you when you're within 2km of a destination on your travel wishlist.


Never Miss a Chance
Never again miss the opportunity to visit a place you've been wanting to explore.


Personalized Recommendations
Wish2Go will suggest nearby sights, restaurants, and activities based on your interests.
Wish2Go Coming Soon
Set Reminders
Never miss a trip with personalized reminders and notifications.
Nearby Discoveries
Uncover hidden gems and must-visit spots right in your own backyard.
Travel Journaling
Capture your travel memories and share them with friends and family.
Plan Dream Trips
Explore destinations, create wishlists, and organize your travel plans.
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